Tuesday, December 2, 2008


Very good drink. I'm drinking some right now. Need to drink it more often though. I buy it when I see it. Yes, this is a glimpse into my mind. Fascinating, isn't it?

Well, since I can't figure out how to make this a banner

I Voted for Nader

Yes, that's right. I threw away my vote. Want to know why? Because both the Democrats and the Republicans are liars. And they are busying sucking up the corporations. You remember what I said about the New World Order? That's right, both the Democrats and the Republicans are pawns. But more on that later.

Believe me people, I got some good stuff. Watch these videos. High ranking Pentagon officials coming out.


The Reptillians

You see, the government is actually controlled by lizardmen. They control it. You see, they shape shift. You familiar with the theories of David Icke at all? Read him. He's a smart man. And he knows the truth. They're out there. Don't believe me. Well, nothing I can do to change your mind. But it's the truth.

Also, New World Order. It exists. They want to put chips in you. Corporate conspiracy. But more on that later.

Cyber Nations

Nifty little nation simulation game. Politics and stuff in it are decent. Decent roleplaying as well. Not really sure what makes it so special, since it is quite plain, but it has kept me entertained for nearly two and a half years now, so if you get into it, you'll enjoy it likely. Just check it out.
